Some of the publications below have appeared in an IEEE journal, Elsevier journal or conference record. By allowing you to download them, I am required to post the following copyright reminder:
"This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder."
- • Tutorial Master 2 Research ATSI, L2S, CentraleSupelec, Robust Estimation and Detection Schemes in Non-Standard Conditions for Radar, Array processing and Imaging, January 13, 2025.
- • Tutorial in 2024 International Radar Conference, Rennes, T03 - Robust Estimation and Detection Schemes in non-Standard Conditions for Radar, Array Processing and Imaging, 21 Oct. 2024,.
- • Tutorial Master 2 Research ATSI, L2S, CentraleSupelec, Robust Estimation and Detection Schemes in Non-Standard Conditions for Radar, Array processing and Imaging, January 9, 2024.
- • Tutorial in IEEE Radar Conference, Florence, Italy, September, 21-25, 2020, Robust Estimation and Detection Schemes in Non-Standard Conditions for Radar, Array processing and Imaging (3h, 285Mo!).
- • Tutorial in DSO Science Organization, May 22, 2020, Methodologies for Statistical Learning in Non-Standard Conditions - A Focus on SAR Images Change Detection.
- • Tutorial in 2019 Radar Conference, Toulon, France, September 2019: Robust Estimation and Detection Schemes in Non-Standard Conditions for Radar, Array processing and Imaging (3h).
- • Internal Tutorials in ONERA (Toulouse, Palaiseau and Salon de Provence, France), March 2019: Robust Estimation and Detection Schemes in Non-Standard Conditions for Radar, Array processing and Imaging (6h).
- • Tutorial in 2014 International Radar Conference, Lille, France, October 2014: Recent advances in adaptive radar detection, Part A, Part B, Part C, by M. S. Greco (University of Pisa, Italy), J.-P. Ovarlez and F. Pascal (CentraleSupélec, France).
- • Tutorial in NTU, Singapour, September 2012: Compressive Sensing - Applications to Radar.
- • Tutorial in ONERA Physic Branch, Palaiseau, December 2009: Time-Frequency Distributions for Non-Stationary Signals: A Tutorial.
- • Speaker at Radar Autumn School at 2024 International Radar Conference: Estimation / detection with Applications to Radar, Oct.2024, Rennes, France.
- • Speaker at 12ème Ecole d’Eté de Peyresq en Traitement du Signal et des Images), France, June 2017: Advanced Methods for new Breakthroughs in Radar and Array Processing: Robust Estimation and Detection Schemes in Non-Standard Conditions for Radar, Array processing and Imaging (6h), (Part I, Part II, Part III, all)
- • PhD Days ONERA Physic Domain, Jan. 15, 2020, Time-Frequency Distributions for Non-Stationary Signal Analysis.
- • Seminar at ONERA Physic Domain, Nov. 19, 2019, Robust Estimation and Detection Schemes in non-Standard Conditions for Radar, Array Processing and Imaging.
- • GDR ISIS, Career in Image, Signal and Vision, March 2019 - June 2021: Carreer in EPIC - Example of ONERA.
- • Finnish-French Statistical Learning for Signal Processing Mini-workshop, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, December 2018: Robust Model Order Selection Using Random Matrix Theory.
- • ANR MARGARITA, Annecy, June 2018: Robust Model Order Selection Using Random Matrix Theory.
- • 4th SONDRA Workshop, Lacanau, France, May 2016: Radar Detection Schemes for Joint Time and Spatial Correlated Clutter Using Random Matrix Theory.
- • GDR ISIS, Array Processing: Non-Gaussian, Non-Circular and Non-Stationary Signals December 2016: Robust Adaptive Detection Schemes in non-Gaussian and Heterogeneous Environment with outliers - Application to STAP.
- • GDR ISIS, Hyperspectral Imaging: which data? Which processing? Which applications? April, 2016: The High Dimensional Problem for Detection and Estimation on Hyperspectral Image.
- • GDR ISIS, Career in Image, Signal and Vision, November 2015: EPIC Presentation - Example of ONERA.
- • ONERA Program Days, January (DGA) and April (Industry) 2015: Radar Signal Processing.
- • SIERRA Seminar, November 2014, Polytech Annecy - LISTIC, Recent Breakthroughs in Multivariate Image Processing: Robust Estimation and Detection in Radar Context, SAR and Hyperspectral Imaging.
- • IEEE International Workshop on Non-Stationary Signal and Image Processing: Theory and Application, May 30, 2014, IEEE COMM 2014 International Conference, Bucharest, Romania: On the Use of Time-FrequencyAnalysis for Adaptive Target Detection in Highly Textured Mono-dimensional Radar Images.
- • PEPS Wave, IMS Lab, Bordeaux, November 2013: SAR Images Classification.
- • 3rd SONDRA Workshop, Hyeres, La Londe les Maures, France, 2013: Detection Improvement Using Robust Estimates for Hyperspectral Imaging.
- • 3rd SONDRA Workshop, Hyeres, La Londe les Maures, France, 2013: CFAR Clustering of Polarimetric SAR Data.
- • PEPS GeoTex, IMS Lab, Bordeaux, July 2012: Robust Detection in Hyperspectral Images.
- • TAREC Seminar, ENST Paris, April 2012: Robust Estimation Techniques of Covariance matrix in Array Processing.
- • PEPS GeoTex, IMS Lab, Bordeaux, July 2011: Time-Frequency Analysis and Multivariate SIRV Processes for Detection, Estimation and Classification in Radar Signals.
- • Indo-French Seminar on Matrix Information Geometries, École Polytechnique, Palaiseau, February 2011: H/α Unsupervised Classification for Highly Textured POLINSAR Images Using Information Geometry of Covariance Matrices.
- • 2nd SONDRA Workshop, Cargèse, France, 2010: KummerU clutter model for POLSAR data: Application to segmentation and classification.
- • 2nd SONDRA Workshop, Cargèse, France, 2010: Hybrid MIMO Radar: Configurations and Applications on STAP.
- • 2nd SONDRA Workshop, Cargese, France, 2010: A statistical approach to Polarimetric SAR data classification.
- • 2nd SONDRA Workshop, Cargèse, France, 2010: Improved segmentation in Polarimetric SAR images.
- • 2nd SONDRA Workshop, Cargèse, France, 2010: Robust covariance matrix estimation in presence of outliers.
- • 2nd SONDRA Workshop, Cargèse, France, 2010: A Review of Non-Gaussian Detectors on Different Sets oExperimental Data
- • Workshop on Statistical Analysis, Learning and Signal Processing (SALSIP-2010), DSO National Laboratories, November 2010: SIRV Modelling for Estimation and Detection Problems.
- • IEEE Communication Society Singapore Chapter, National University of Singapore, Singapore, September 2010: SIRV Modelling for Estimation and Detection Problems.
- • IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society Singapore Chapter, DSO National Laboratories, Singapore, July 2010: Time-Frequency Analysis and Its Use in Radar Imaging.
- • Colloquium SEE/IET, Paris, June 2009, Radar Clutter – Observation, Modelling and Related Processing: Optimal Detectors in Non-Gaussian and Non-Homogeneous Clutter.
- • GDR ISIS Multivariate Stochastic Model in Image Processing, March 2009, Paris: Robust Estimation Schemes in Compound Gaussian Processes.
- • GIPSA Lab, Grenoble, February 2009, Robust Estimation in Non-Gaussian and/or Heterogeneous Environment.
- • IMS Lab, February 2009: Robust Detection in Non-Gaussian Background Application to STAP.
- • IMS Lab, February 2009: Polarimetric Classification in Highly Textured SAR images.
- • 8th DLR-CNES Workshop Information Extraction & Scene Understanding for Meter Resolution Images, Toulouse, October 2008: Coherency matrix estimation for heterogeneous clutter through the SIRV model. Application to high resolution POLSAR images.
- • First French Singaporean Workshop on Signal Processing, Singapore, December 2007: CFAR Radar Detection in Non-Gaussian Heterogeneous Clutter.
- • GDR ISIS, Radar Array Processing, Paris, July 2007: Robust Detection in a non-Gaussian Environment. Application to STAP.
- • Electromagnetism Detection Seminar organized by DGA, Paris, November 2006: High-Resolution STAP in non-Gaussian and/or Heterogeneous clutter for Air/ground Applications.
- • CNES, Toulouse, June 2004, Non-Gaussian, Non-Linear and Non-Stationarity: Time-Frequency Distributions: Analysis Tools for Non-Stationary Signals.
- • SEE seminar, Breakthrough in Radar, November 2003: Radar Detection in Non-Gaussian Clutter Environment.
- • Société de Calcul Mathématique, November 1999: Radar Detection and Performance Analysis.
- • SEE Colloquium, ENST, Modern Processing Techniques in Radar and Sonar, April 1993, Paris: Application of Mellin Transform in Broad-Band Radar Theory.