Some of the publications below have appeared in an IEEE journal, Elsevier journal or conference record. By allowing you to download them, I am required to post the following copyright reminder:
"This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder."
[B10] A. Mian, G. Ginolhac, J.-P. Ovarlez, A. Breloy, F. Pascal, "Détection de changements basée sur les covariances de séries d’images SAR," Chapter 3 in Détection de changements et analyse des séries temporelles d’images - Méthodes non supervisées, Vol. 1, ISTE/Wiley Encyclopédie Sciences - IMAGE - Imagerie et télédétection, A. M. Atto, F. Bovolo and L. Bruzzone (eds.), 2022, ISBN: 978-1-78948-056-6.
[B9] A. Mian, G. Ginolhac, J.-P. Ovarlez, A. Breloy, F. Pascal, "An Overview of Covariance-based Change Detection Methodologies in Multivariate SAR Image Time Series," Chapter 3 in Change Detection and Image Time Series Analysis, Unsupervised Methods, Vol. 1, ISTE/Wiley Encyclopedia of Sciences - Remote Sensing Imagery, A. M. Atto, F. Bovolo and L. Bruzzone (eds.), 2021, ISBN: 978-1-78945-056-9.
[B8] A. W. Bitar, J.-P. Ovarlez, L. F. Cheong and A. Chehab, "Automatic Target Detection for Sparse Hyperspectral Images," Chapter 15 in "Hyperspectral Image Analysis, Advances in Machine Learning and Signal Processing," Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, S. Prasad, and J. Chanussot (eds.), pp.435-462, 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-030-38617-7.
[B7] J.-P. Ovarlez, F. Pascal and P. Forster, "Covariance Matrix Estimation in SIRV and Elliptical Processes and Their Applications in Radar Detection," Chapter 8 in "Modern Radar Detection Theory," M. S. Greco and A. De Maio (eds.), Scitech Publishing, IET, 2015, ISBN: 978-1-61353-199-0.
[B6] P. Formont, J.-P. Ovarlez and F. Pascal, "On the use of Matrix Information Geometry for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification," Chapter 10 in "Matrix Information Geometry," Matrix Information Geometry, F. Nielsen, R. Bhatia (eds.), Springer-Verlag, pp.257-276, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-642-30231-2.
[B5] P. Goncalves, J.-P. Ovarlez and R. Baraniuk, "Quadratic Time-Frequency Analysis III: the Affine Class and Other Covariant Classes," Chapter 7 in "Time-Frequency Analysis: Concepts and Methods," Digital Signal and Image Processing Series, F. Hlawatch and F. Auger (eds.), ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2008, ISBN: 978-1-905-20914-9.
[B4] J.-P. Ovarlez, P. Goncalves and R. Baraniuk, "Analyse Temps-Fréquence Quadratique III : La Classe Affine et Autres Classes Covariantes," Chapter 7 in "Temps-Fréquence : Concepts et Outils" in the collection Information, Commande et Contrôle, F. Hlawatch, F. Auger (eds.) Edition Hermes, 2005, ISBN: 978-2-7462-1033-2.
[B3] J.-P. Ovarlez and J. Dulost, "New Methods of Designing Optimum Broad-Band Radar Signals," in "Ultra-Wideband, Short Pulse Electromagnetics 3," Editions Plenum Press, A. Stone, C. Baum and L. Carin (eds.), Editions Plenum Press, 1997, ISBN 978-1-4419-3276-1.
[B2] J. Bertrand, P. Bertrand and J.-P. Ovarlez, "The Mellin Transform," Chapter 11 (or 12 in following editions) in "The Transforms and Applications Handbook," A. D. Poularikas (ed.), "The Electrical Engineering Handbook," CRC Press Inc, 1995, ISBN: 978142006652-4.
[B1] J. Bertrand, P. Bertrand, J.-P. Ovarlez, "The Wavelet Approach in Radar Imaging and its Physical Interpretation" in "Progress in Wavelet Analysis and Applications," Y. Meyer (ed.), Editions Frontières, 1993, ISBN: 978-2863321300.